ICS will not start, "Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start."
OS: Vista Ultimate + SP1 ICS will not start, "Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start." So I went into services.msc and checked the ICS Dependencies. All are started with the exception of: - NSI Proxy Service is not even in the Services List - Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service When I try to manually start this service, I receive "Error 1717: The interface is unknown." I am working with a small home network (5 systems, XPProSP1 & 98). About 6 weeks ago Ibuilt this box,my first Vista box, with a plan to replace my aging XPPro ICS gateway system that I first stood-up 5 years ago. The new Vista box includesVista Ultimate+SP1,E6750 Core2Duo, 4GB, 750GB WD HDD and a 8800GTS vidcard. I have had it sitting on the Bench for a month, testing and xferring data. It plays fine, networking-wise,with the XPPro systems. I switched it out yesterday with the old ICS gateway box (currently disconnected on the Bench), set it to a static had no difficulty getting it to configure the Westell 6100 DSL modem (Verizon DSL). Internet connectivity is fine on the Vista box, I just cannot share it via ICS with the rest of my network. I would appreciate some guidance on correcting this ICS Issue. Thanks! Kim
April 9th, 2008 12:18am

Additional info: Irun this box withthe Windows Firewall & UAC toggled OFF. I have Zone Labs ISS installed for my firewall & virus needs, just like I did with the box this one has replaced. Shortly after encountering this ICS Issue, I scheduled & ran a ChkDsk on the C: Drive, JIC one or more of the pertinent files had gotten corrupted. The ChkDsk scan turned up nothing.
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April 9th, 2008 7:30pm

I ran a further check on my HDD at http://www.hddstatus.com/hdrepanalysis.php and the report included the following Note at the bottom: NOTE : your hard disk has 1 pending sectors. Those are sectors that couldn't be properly read and that the hard disk logic is waiting for a write operation to try to remap to a spare sector (if available). According to the Reallocated Sector Count attribute, your hard disk seems to have available spare sectors. A simple disk surface scan won't be enough to force the remap operation. You need a read/write surface scan to remap the sector. The best option should be a tool that knows about what should be read from that sector so that it has some option to apply the best fix to the missing data. In addition, during some Registry Surfing I discovered some odd-looking entries while doing a search on "SharedAccess" ... odd-looking because the listed filesnames included exclamation points as the second CHAR; e.g., f!cmnicfg.xml. That may not be unusual in a Vista Registry, but I have never run across its like in years of XPPro Registry surfing. Here is a link to part of a screen cap for your perusal: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y285/Jungesblut/Stuff/Registry2.jpg Today I plan on finding my copy of SpinRite6 and running an in-depth check on this HDD.
April 10th, 2008 5:36pm

I have treated the C: partition to a Level 4 SpinRite6, an Extended Test using WD's Diags, a Search & Repair with SystemMechanicPro7.5.1 and several sessions with a start-up ChkDsk, so I think it unlikely that a HDD issue is the root cause. I notice that this thread has garnered315 Views so far. Hopefully, soon, someone will read this thread and be able to share some insight that will help me to resolve my ICS Issue.
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April 10th, 2008 8:59pm

Hi Kim, I suggest performing the following steps to troubleshoot the issue: 1. Temporarily uninstall the antivirus program, because certain filter on antivirus program can prevent service from starting. 2. Refer to Step 1 in the KB 929135 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135) to perform a Clean Boot in Windows Vista. After that, please restart the machine and check the result. Please understand that debugging and dump analysis should be needed to troubleshoot this issue. However, debugging service is out of our Forums support boundaries. A support call to our product service team is needed for the debugging service. Thus, if the above steps do not help, I'd like to recommend that you contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) for further assistance: To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the website listed below: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=fh;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS Thank you for your understanding.
April 16th, 2008 12:06pm

Thank you kindly for the assistance, Joson! If I ID the culprit(s) I will be sure to come back to this thread and share the details. Kim
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April 16th, 2008 4:02pm

Interesting ... I went to the CSS site and it would not accept my Product ID# so I wrote a letter to Microsoft. It turns out there are two flavors of this Vista Ultimate ... the one that I bought from NewEgg for ~$170 ("OEM")and another "Retail" version that sells for $120 more. Apparently, the difference is that the additional 120 bucks is an up-front payment for CSS support. According to the response, they will be glad to help me with my OEM Vista ICS issue for $59 or $79/hr. Quite frankly, I had a hard enough time talking myself into spending $170 on an OS ... while I like Vista (after I recfged it) I would never pay $289 for it. <chuckle> Long before receiving the Microsoft response, I reconfigured my network with a B/G router that I had on-hand so I no longer need ICS.
May 1st, 2008 10:23pm

Hellooooo, I am having the same problem, & I see that this was never definitively answered. I have done a clean start-up also, & still not able to get certain services running. Here is where I am at: I am trying to get my XBox to share my laptop's internet connection. I know that this is possible because I have done it before, from this very laptop, with this very Vista os on it. Now, I am unable to checkmark "Allow other users..." for sharing etc. I get the error that "the dependency service or group failed to start." Well I found out that it was dependent on the service "Remote Access Auto Connection Manager", so I tried to start that. (It is also dependent on Telephony, butthat is running). Same error. I find out that THAT is dependent on "Remote Access Connection Manager". When I try to start THAT, I get the same error. It is dependent on "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service", which is not dependent on anything. When I try to getTHAT service to start, I continue to get the error 1717: Interface is unknown. I have been trying for 3 days to fix this. I am ready to throw Vista out of the Window & reinstall XP, seriously. These are my last-ditch efforts, & then Vista is gone for good for me. I have done wayyyy too much troubleshooting on this os. I have been searching & searching & there are no definite answers out there for this problem, just unanswered questions. If you can help, I'd be very grateful...not to mention impressed! Thanks in advance.
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November 29th, 2008 5:26am

I've found theanswer to this issue 1. Disable your NIC card 2. Enable the following services to automatic and do not start the services a. WMI "Windows Management Instrument" b. SSTPS"Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" c. RPC "Remote Procedure call" d. ICS "Internet Connection Sharing" e.Remote Access Auto Connection Manager f.Remote Access Connection Manager 3. Restart the Computer 4. Open Device Manager a. Enable NIC Device 5. Enter WNCM " Windows Network Connection Manager" a. Turn on File Sharing -You Should Be Good From There. Let Me Know :D
July 12th, 2009 11:58am

@ CompXpert-Rep Lewis- that method might have worked for me, but I cannot test because I dont have anything to turn ICS on with, like no Wifi connector etc.If that fix did not work, and i bought a router, would the router work allright?
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November 15th, 2009 8:05am

Thank you!
March 3rd, 2012 4:37pm

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